Yuanyii Agency: SME Excellence Business Award & Aspiring Woman Entrepreneurs Award 2022/2023

Being in the HR recruitment industry, Yuanyii Agency have a long history of proven track records in helping companies from different industries solve their recruitment and hiring needs. Their group of recruitment consultants can solve all your hiring needs with their pool of candidates from all industries. Yuanyii Agency has also partnered up with reliable foreign counterparts to provide companies with the most suitable talents. They are committed to their client’s satisfaction by assisting to recruit talents from many countries such as Malaysia, India, Vietnam, China, Bangladesh and Myanmar. They also help to process work pass such as Work Permit, S Pass and Employment Pass.

Apart from providing recruitment. Yuanyii Agency also provide HR solutions to meet companies’ human resource needs. They range from benefits and compensation, succession and career planning to training and development, structuring organisation and creating policies and procedures in the process. Yuanyii Agency aims to help businesses achieve greater efficiency with their tailored HR systems so that time and resources spent on HR administration can be redirected to focus on other strategic activities instead.

Ms Felica Phang, the founder of Yuanyii Agency, decided to start the company as she wanted to help more people land their dream job here in Singapore. She was inspired to start the company after witnessing the difficulties foreigners experienced while trying to find a job in Singapore and she wanted to do her part in making things easier for them.

Founder of Yuanyii Agency, Ms Felicia Phang

Despite the success Ms Phang has achieved, it definitely wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows when she first started. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the government was constantly announcing lockdowns and quarantine rules and it was extremely difficult to bring in employees from overseas. Instead of focusing on things that cannot be changed, Ms Phang decided to focus on providing better help to those already in Singapore and aid them in securing better opportunities.

At Yuanyii Agency, it is their mission to work closely with their clients to become their most trusted, one stop solution agency. They are committed to providing knowledge and advice on domestic manpower, non- domestic manpower and all immigration services. They help to settle HR and immigration issues for their clients so that thy can have one less problem to worry about.

Ms Phang’s vision for the company is for it to become the go-to recruitment agency of employers looking for domestic and non-domestic workers. They strive to become the number 1 platform for candidates to source for their ideal job while also being the preferred firm for anyone looking to make Singapore their permanent home.

Founder of Yuanyii Agency, Ms Felicia Phang
Looking forward, Ms Phang is planning to expand their diploma course to enable more people to get S-Pass or Employment Pass in order to have a better chance at applying for Singapore Permanent Residency. With this in mind, they plan to expand their business into Malaysia to help more people and spread their influence With Yuanyii Agency being at the scale it is at today, Ms Phang attributes her success to her clients and loved ones who believed in her and the thought of being able to help more people find their place in Singapore motivates her to continue doing what she love.

” It is very important to ensure that there are no internal conflicts between the employer and employees. “

With Yuanyii Agency being one of the top recruiting agencies in Singapore, they have achieved multiple notable achievements so far, they have been awarded the SME Excellence Business Award and Aspiring Woman Entrepreneurs Award just to name a few. Every single award they have achieved so far were all fruits of their labour and proof of their hard work, it pushes them to work harder and achieve even greater success.

Unlike other recruitment agencies where all they will only do the bare minimum and doesn’t really care about the wellbeing of the employees, Yuanyii Agency provides free 1 to 1 consultation services to everyone and will assist them through every step of their employment journey. Ms Phang believes that by providing high quality services that solves their needs, clients will be satisfied and this will help to retain them. Some of the services that helps Yuanyii Agency stand out from the rest are their careful filtration to provide employers with the best employees and their free 1 to 1 consultation services. There are many foreigners seeking employment in Singapore on a daily basis and Ms Phang and her team are always doing their best to make sure they help as many of them as possible. However, with the advancement in technology, there is also a rise of scammers pretending to be employment agents and this makes employers more cautious and some even end of choosing to not engagement recruiting agencies at all at the fear of getting scammed.

In order to ensure maximum operational efficiency, Ms Phang and her team will conduct monthly meetings to discuss any obstacles they are facing and come up with a solution together to overcome the problem. At Yuanyii Agency, Staffs are urged to voice out any issues they have be it with fellow staffs or their leaders in order to ensure that there will be no internal conflicts that will affect their work performance. Ms Phang describes her staff as energetic, independent and disciplined while they work in a fun and fast-paced environment.

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